tonight at Love Feast, Tim invited everyone to share little stories about how they experience God loving them.
neighbor-friends around the table whose lives look to me to be so hard, so undesirable, still had things to share, moments where they've seen evidences of His love for them.
- i'm thankful He woke me up this morning.
- i'm thankful i'm out of the hospital, alive and walking!
- i'm glad i had a good day at school today.
- my son is going to be 14 in two months; he's as tall as i am!
- i'm thankful for my friend Tony (who is present in the room); i wouldn't be here without him.
- my baby cousin H (whom we've been praying for) was released from the hospital on the 22nd of August!
- M and T had a baby girl yesterday morning; her name is Sophie.
i was so humbled to hear these joyful testimonies as folks popped up one-by-one around the room with hardly a pause between, to speak about how Papa loves them.
and then we sang,
"He loves us,
oh how He loves us,
oh how He loves us;
How He loves us...oh!"
i kept my eyes open as i sang it, looking slowly around the room, to see all my neighbor-friends singing along, obviously worshipping. holy spirit shivers.
and i thought, we have come so far! i can't believe i'm witnessing this thing.
we are never too poor, too low, too addicted, too abused, too dirty to receive the Father's love.
and. gratitude is a potent medicine.
(this blog entry was originally posted here)