God is family...

...Father, Son and Spirit, who has lived for eternity in the perfect relationship of love, honor and safety.  Out of his desire to share this love, he created the universe and gave man the responsibility to nurture and steward it.  

Though humanity continually walked away from God in rebellion, he continued to pursue his people in relationship.  

The Father sent his Son, Jesus, to take on the sinfulness of humanity in order to redeem us, and in his death and resurrection had victory over the enemy of sin, death and Satan that had kept us in bondage.  Because of Christ’s work, we can receive God’s original intent for us: to be adopted into his family.  

Jesus also came to start his Kingdom on earth in which everything in all of creation is transformed and reconciled to God and one another.  This Kingdom will be completed when Jesus returns to destroy the enemy, judge all humanity and welcome his people to enjoy perfect relationship as they live in his Kingdom forever.  

Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to remind God’s children that they belong in his family, to empower them to live out his Kingdom now, and as a promise that they will share in the eternal Kingdom.  

We receive this place of adoption into God’s family by repenting of our rebellion against God, believing that Christ’s work on our behalf has saved us, and being baptized into his family.  We live in this family by loving God through worship and obedience and loving others by sacrificing our time, desires and resources for the good of one another, using our gifts to express his Kingdom in every area of our lives and inviting others to receive their adoption into the Father’s family.