Who We Are

THe Stockbridge Boiler Room is a missional Church Community Devoted to Neighborhood Transformation

Our Vision: is to see every person, family and neighborhood in Grand Rapids transformed by Jesus and living fully and joyfully in reconciled relationship.  

Our Mission: is to grow spiritual family and empower neighborhood transformation in Grand Rapids by seeking God in prayer, establishing healthy neighborhood church communities, and engaging in family-based community development.  


We Pursue this Vision as a Prayerful Family on MIssion


What We do

Prayer, Mission and Justice are the pillars that our three main objectives are rooted in: 



We pray. 

Prayer is how we grow in friendship with God, partner with his Spirit, and engage with our neighborhood. We cultivate prayer as a central practice that guides and empowers our life and mission as a church family.

We SUSTAIN rhythms of daily, monthly, and seasonal prayer as a community.

We INVITE our friends and neighbors to experience the joy and power of encountering God in prayer.

We MOBILIZE the church to pray by resourcing and engaging in citywide prayer events and initiatives.



We establish and grow neighborhood missional communities.

Neighborhood missional communities are family-oriented expressions of church that are rooted where people live. We believe in being God’s family and inviting others to be in His family, and we do this by practically and intentionally living life and following Jesus together. Family is the fabric of our identity, and the context of everything we do: praying together, eating together, teaching and learning together, visiting our neighbors, and being in one another’s homes.

We MAKE, MATURE, and MULTIPLY disciples of Jesus Christ, rooted and grounded in the love of God and His family.



We empower neighborhoods using a family-based approach to community development.

Our approach to community development is locally rooted and family-oriented. We are neighbors and families, working with our fellow neighbors to discover ways to make our community a better place to live. We do this by listening, celebrating, partnering, and creating opportunities for positive change. This is the work of reconciliation and transformation, rooted in a place and pursued together in partnership with our neighbors who also call this place home.

We LISTEN to people’s stories, gifts, and passions.

We CELEBRATE the value of individuals and the community as a whole.

We CONNECT people’s gifts with opportunities to serve their neighborhood and bring about positive change.


Who We Partner With

We partner with many different churches and organizations throughout the West Side and the city of Grand Rapids to bring about transformation. We won't list them all, but here are a few that are partnering more closely with currently: 

Crossroads Bible Church

Stocking Elementary School

WestSide Collaborative 

SOMA Grand Rapids