Discipleship is continually learning to live all of our lives in intimacy and obedience to Jesus. It cannot happen exclusively in a classroom or in one-on-one relationship but as part of everyday life within a family of believers committed to loving God, one another and their neighbors.
The Internship is a year long journey of setting foundations to be disciples who make disciples as part of a family. Interns live in our community house developing rhythms of prayer, study and service while discerning their gifts and calling.
For eight years, interning at the Boiler Room has involved being available to the neighborhood while being adopted by a Kingdom family. We have seen 22 servant leaders (our interns) developed and sent out into local churches, vocational mission, global outreach and continuing education.
Interested in the Internship? Contact Jordan Cooper and come to Love Feast on a Wednesday night at 6pm. From there we’ll get to know one another more and discern together if the Lord has called you to this family and neighborhood for a season.
For those individuals who have been walking with the Stockbridge family for a season and feel a strong call to leadership within the Church, there is the opportunity of enrolling in the Antioch School of Church Planting and Leadership Development, hosted at the SBR.
The Antioch School is a nationally accredited degree program where one can earn a bachelors, masters or PhD within the context of a local fellowship such as the Stockbridge Boiler Room. This program allows learning to be imprinted through experiential mentor-based relationships grounded in the local context of study.