Some Ways to Get Involved

1. Make a friend at the Love Feast 

Every Wednesday at 6:30pm we host a community dinner for folks in the neighborhood to build relationships and encounter Jesus as He moves among us. Ask the Lord if He would have you come eat dinner on a regular basis and get to know a neighbor across the table while you eat. Location is 701 5th st NW Grand Rapids. We also have a simple church gathering just before the Love Feast at 5:30pm in the same location. 

2.  Gather your friends/church group to serve a Love Feast meal


3. Join us for Community Prayer

We have a daily community prayer rhythm Mon-Fri at 7am and 8pm in the Prayer Garage. Visit and ask the Lord if He’s nudging you to pray with us regularly. This is a great way to become familiar with the neighborhood, it's assets, and it's needs. 

4. Join us for a Book Study

Each month we read through a different book that is foundational to our DNA as a Boiler Room community. Come learn with us! We meet Thursdays 6:30-8pm in Prayer Garage. Contact Jordan Cooper at for more info. 

5. Give Financially

We are supported entirely through private donations from people like you who value this work want to partner financially. CLICK HERE for details on how to donate.